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Synthetic Biology: Looking to Nature for the Next Industrial Revolution:
Climate change, the defining challenge of our time, affecting every person and living being on Earth, let's be honest: the ideal moment to tackle this issue has passed. We have messed this up terribly! Now we only have 7 years left to clean up our act. Meaning radically Reducing our carbon footprint, Removing excess CO2 from the atmosphere and Repairing climate tipping points.
To limit global warming, we need to transform our industrial and economic landscapes and radically break free from fossil fuels. Ideally we will do this without drastic economic pain during the transition to a green economy. To many economists and climate scientists this thesis seems impossible, boderline delusional.
From Bacteria Eating Plastic to Supertrees sucking more Carbon out of the Atmosphere to climate-proofing Bananas and Mammoths restoring the Arctic, this book explains how engineering Biology can lead to groundbreaking innovations in climate action.
Lets use Biology to restore our Balance with Nature without giving up Modern Creature Comforts
This is where Synthetic Biology comes in—a groundbreaking field that combines engineering with biology to create new biological systems, enabling us to grow everything we need, from biofuels, to leather, to cement directly from nature with radically lower carbon footprints as part of a true circular economy.
We are in the Middle of an Industrial Revolution built by Biology
that will be more profound than the Digital Revolution.
It will enrich our lives in ways we can't even imagine today.
As seen: No.1 Bestseller on Amazon

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"First came the Industrial Revolution, then Computers - and
now Synthetic Biology. This Book is a Must-Read for Anyone interested in the Future"
Prof. George Church Harvard University
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